Category Archives: Pictures

Wow! What a huge blessing!

Neum’s chosen diet for this journey is OPTIFAST. He has chosen this programme because he believes that using this method is the best way to achieve the results he wants in the fastest time possible. Through his experience in the past it has proved its success  many times.


Nestle (Makers of OPTIFAST) heard his story and has so generously donated 3 boxes of supplimentary shakes for Neum. This has come as such a huge blessing to us at this time.


Thank you Nestle! 20130807_113613


Stay tuned for tomorrow’s weigh in pictures!

Day 1

Well it’s the start of a new journey for Neum. In the past the mornings have been the hardest to start a journey to lose weight and become healthier. Fear of the unknown of what that day had in store for him would often bring doubt to his mind about whether he could truely make a change. Today was different. There are no selfish feelings. Only feelings of love for a younger brother and gratittude that through you as his sponsors he has the opportunity to help.

Thank you again for all your support.

Here are a few pictures we took last night as the day closed.

